Felicia is an avid outdoors woman and a mother of two wild and crazy boys. She has been fishing since she was a toddler, but didn't get into hunting until her late teens. Now with almost 2 decades under her belt and so many blessings of opportunities she has decided to share that passion with others. As the founder of Women of the Wild, she devotes her time to providing education and opportunities to new people to get into the field. Many women struggle with finding their tribe and we want to break that barrier, help you get confidence and get out on the field or in the water. Her passion runs deep for the outdoors and it's something everyone should experience. No matter the source! Hunting, fishing, hiking or just learning a new trade. Being self sufficient in so many ways has grown it's importance in today society.

Meet the Team
Our Board
We are made up of 3 person voting board members, 4 personal representatives, and 3 ambassadors
Our Personal Representatives
Kristy Schnurstein
I'm for Michigan.....born, raised and still currently here! My passion for the outdoors stemmed from my childhood as a kid hunting and fishing with my father every chance I got. I was taught at a young age the importance of conservation and that living off what the land has to offer is beneficial in many ways. From foraging, tracking animals, fishing, harvesting and processing our kills, preparing meals, etc. the possibilities have always been endless! Now as an adult woman, I continue to enjoy these experiences still with my father as well as with friends. I strive to educate others, learn from others and overall just get more people outside!
Megan Lockwood
Born and raised in the thumb of Michigan. That’s where my love of the outdoors started. As a young girl my mom would take my siblings and I tent camping and fishing, she wouldn’t touch the worms so I would bait all the hooks. She enrolled me in shooting sports for 4-H when I was 10! My love for archery grew into a passion for bow hunting. I harvested my first whitetail at the age of 15, a small yearling 5pt with my bow, hook, line, sinker! I started trapping at the age of 12. First started out as nuisance trapping on our family beef farm, then turned into running fur lines before and after school. I perused trapping hard and continue to do so! This year I was part of the first annual SheSide addition to the NTA at the national convention in Lima, Ohio. I was able to provide a demo on muskrat trapping to fellow trappers. I’m going into my 20th season this year as a fur harvester. I relocated to Cincinnati in 2018, where I now own and run a Wild Removal Company. I get to trap 365 days a year. It is through my passion of trapping I now am able to educate the public on common fur bearers who become nuisance in urban areas! Trapping is my favorite outdoor activity. I was lucky enough to trap my first otter in 2021. Another thing about me is I love to travel, and by traveling I mean bow hunt all over our precious nation. From Long Island, New York hunting Atlantic Brandt to Boise, Idaho chasing mule deer, I have been blessed with out a doubt on harvesting some of my bucket list animals. My favorite animal to chase would be spring bear in Idaho! On my first bear hunt ever, l on the first day we saw 16 bears. My future plans for myself in the outdoors is to bring more women into these sports. To show that it isn’t impossible to try new things like archery or setting a leg hold for a coyote. It just takes a spark of interest. I hope to expand my reach to woman all over and help instill a passion for the outdoors in their hearts to pass down their own knowledge and teachings to future generations of outdoors people!

Megan Amershek
I live in Pittsburg KS. I am an avid deer, turkey, dove, goose, and duck hunter. During the summer you’ll catch me preparing for deer season, shooting my bow, and fishing for blue gill, smallmouth bass, and largemouth bass. One of my bucket lists hunts is an Axis deer hunt. You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and tiktok at KansasHuntress123

Hannah Weigold
From West Michigan! I'm a mother of two and grew up a nature freak. Thanks to Women of The Wild I have recently dove into different ways of hunting and fishing, and am pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Wildlife Conservation thanks to the passion I've developed throughout my life!